About Us

About Us

We want to welcome you to be a part of our Christ-centered, family-oriented worship services.

When you come through our doors, expect to be welcomed! Greeters (a family and Elders) will meet you as you come in, extend a warm handshake and answer any immediate questions you may have (such as “Where is a class for my children?”). You will also receive a Visitor Card, and we ask that you fill it out, so we will have a record of your attendance.

We are happy you chose to visit us, and we pray by worshipping with us that the Lord blesses you at Mt. Pleasant.

Worship services are held in the auditorium. Sit anywhere you feel comfortable. Before worship begins on Sunday mornings, we have  Bible class at 9:30 a.m.  Following Bible class, we have our morning worship service at 10:30 a.m. We also have Sunday evening worship at 6:00.  Wednesday nights, we meet for our Mid-Week Bible study at 6:30 p.m. 

You will find that we are a loving and friendly congregation. We enjoy "visiting " with our guests and with one another when you come to be with us for worship and Bible class. That’s because we are all a part of a big Christian family! Many folks will talk with you and welcome you to our assembly. You are our honored guest!  

Our Sunday morning worship service normally begins with a song, prayer, and then the Lord’s Supper.

We follow the New Testament pattern each Sunday by sharing the Lord’s Supper. (Acts 20:7) The unleavened bread and fruit of the vine are each distributed throughout the assembly. The Lord’s Supper or “communion” is both a solemn and joyful occasion. Jesus commanded that his followers observe this as a means to remember the price He paid for our sins. It is sad to think that Jesus had to suffer and die to redeem us. But it is wonderful to think that He loves each one of us that much! (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

Giving is a way of expressing our gratitude for God’s blessings. Each Christian should cheerfully give to support the work which God has directed. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2) You, our guest, are not expected to give. As the collection plate comes to you, please put the visitor’s card you have filled out and pass it along.

Following the Lord’s Supper, we will sing several songs, and we will have a prayer.

Singing is a special opportunity to worship God. When we feel happy, we often sing; it’s natural. It’s no surprise then that God would want us to channel some of our worship through singing. You will find that we project the songs on the screen or you can use the hymnal in the rack on the back of the pew in front of you. The song leader will announce the song number, and soon we will start singing together . . . in harmony! We try to make it just as beautiful and joyful as we can. But what you won’t hear are musical instruments. Frankly, we don’t need them. But the reason we sing without instruments is not merely our preference. We want to worship God according to the New Testament pattern. That pattern does not indicate that instrumental music was used or desired by God. This experience deeply moves many visitors unfamiliar with “A Cappella” music—it’s all a part of God’s plan! (Ephesians 19-20; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 2:12)

Prayer is our communication to God. While each Christian should often pray and in private, we, as a congregation, pray together. A man will walk to the front and speak a prayer. We all try to focus our attention on his words and make his prayer our own. We are commanded to pray for each other so that this prayer may include many specific names and circumstances.

Expect to hear a Bible-based sermon that will encourage faithful Christian living! Our preacher, W. Tom Hall, will usually preach during the service. Because we regard the Bible as the inerrant, inspired word of God, Tom will ask for you to show your Bible and expect you to follow his scriptural references. You may notice that Tom is not given a special religious title such as “pastor” or “reverend,” nor does he wear any special garments to set him apart from others. That’s because God views all Christians as “priests.” (Matthew 23:8-12; 1 Peter 2:9)

At the close of the sermon, the preacher will “extend an invitation.” This is simply an expedient time to invite those moved to make a commitment or request prayer support. He will encourage those who wish to “respond” to come to the front of the auditorium while the congregation sings a hymn. Don’t feel ill at ease during this invitation. You will not be singled out in any way. There may be several that respond or none at all. If not already a child of God, those who respond will be added to God’s family through baptism to remission sins. (Galatians 3:27-28; Acts 2:38-42) If anyone responds for baptism, you will witness the baptism during this service. The baptism will be immersion. (Acts 8:35-39; Romans 6: 3-5; Colossians 2:12) Those responding that are baptized believers may confess sins asking for prayers. (James 5:16) Some may ask for prayer for a specific need, strength or to “identify” or “place membership” with this local congregation.

Normally worship services conclude with a closing song and the closing prayer.

Bible study on Sunday morning and Wednesday night begin in the auditorium with a song and prayer, then classes are dismissed. There are classes available for all ages in the educational wing of our building.

An adult class is held in the auditorium on Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m.

Mt. Pleasant Church of Christ seeks to worship God according to Christ’s command: “in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) To worship God “in spirit” requires that we come to God with a humble attitude, understanding that our salvation in Christ is not by our own righteousness or work but by God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8-90. We humbly come to God to worship Him, and He lifts us (James 4:10) with the understanding of His love for all men through His Son Jesus (John 3:16) and the anticipation of being in Christ’s presence for all eternity. (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18) Worshipping God at Mt. Pleasant is a humble celebration of the love we share in Christ and our anticipation of heaven!

Equally important is worshipping God “in Truth.” The New Testament gives specific commands and shows positive examples or implications of how the church worshiped God during the inspired Guidance—the first century. Rather than trusting man-made ideas on how we should worship God, we trust God’s word, the Bible, to provide the pattern of how we should worship Him.

Worshipping God this way is refreshingly simple and clear. There is no need for a great ceremony or the fanfare of a stage show. Together, we:

  • Pray (1 Timothy 2:1)
  • Sing songs that teach the truth and encourage Christian living (Colossians 3:16)
  • We are reminded of God’s will for our lives as we hear the teaching and preaching of God’s word (Acts 10:42)
  • Give to help others and support the many works of the church (2 Corinthians 9:7)
  • “Break Bread” (Acts 20:7) by partaking of the unleavened bread and fruit of the vine, called the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-29).

Worshiping God in truth is truly a time of fellowship with God, His Son Jesus, His Holy Spirit, and God’s Children – the Church.

Worshipping God in spirit and truth is a time we look forward to. It’s a time of learning, spiritual growth, and encouragement. It’s a time of preaching and personal reflection. It’s a time for receiving God’s love and mercy. You’re invited to come worship with us “in spirit and truth” at Mt. Pleasant.